Established in 1955
Technology passed down from generation to generation and new challenges
Aiming to be a next-generation construction company

Local general construction company,
Concrete repair and reinforcement specialist worldwide.

 Our company was founded on October 6, 1955 as Sasaki Construction and established Sakaegumi Corporation on January 7, 1972. Since its establishment, the Company has been engaged in civil engineering, construction, and pavement work as a general construction business in order to contribute to the development of the local community.
 In particular, in the early 1950s, when the demand for paved roads increased, we were the first local company to operate our own independent asphalt plant plant, and we have been making efforts to popularize paved roads. In addition, since 2007, we have been working on concrete repair with crack injection technology at its core, and established the pressure-adjusted injection method (SAPIS).
 Since then, we have been engaged in activities to extend the service life of concrete structures through our infrastructure longevity repair and construction management system (SIMMS), which spirals up each process of investigation and diagnosis, treatment of deteriorated areas, repair and reinforcement, and evaluation of restoration of properties.
 We are committed to building solid relationships of trust with all of our stakeholders and to becoming a company that is truly needed by society.
Yoshihiro SASAKI
Representative Director



Head Office / First-Class Registered Architect Office
19-1, Itazawa 9chiwari, Kamigo-cho, Tono, Iwate 028-0776
Phone: 0198-65-3032 FAX: 0198-65-3324

Morioka Office
14-16-118 Teshiromori, Morioka-shi, Iwate 020-0401
Phone: 019-601-2751 FAX: 019-601-2752

Business hours



Every Saturday and Sunday

Company name

Sakaegumi Corporation

Founded on October 6, 1955

October 6, 1955 (Thursday)


January 7, 1974 (Monday)

Capital stock

50 million yen

Board of Directors and Executive Officers

Representative Director Yoshihiro SASAKI
Chairman of the Board Takahiko SASAKI
Director Renan SASAKI
Executive Officer and General Manager of Morioka Sales Office Satoru Yoshida
Executive Officer, General Manager of Construction Department Seigo Hayashizaki
Executive Officer, General Manager of Advanced Technology Department Masayoshi Oikawa
Takaki Chida, Director, First-Class Architect Office

Number of Employees

39 (as of April 1, 2023)

Construction License

License date October 6, 1955

Licensed by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (Special-1) No. 1808
Civil engineering, construction, paving, painting, steel structures, water supply facilities, scaffolding, earthwork, concrete, piping, painting, waterproofing
Licensed by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (General-1) No. 1808

First-class registered architect office

No. (2805) 2046

Date of Permit

October 6, 1955 (Thursday)

ISO Certification

JQA-QM9187 (ISO 9001:2008)

Main Business

Contracting of construction work (civil engineering, building construction, pavement, etc.)
Deterioration investigation and diagnosis of concrete structures
Design and construction of repair and reinforcement
Leasing of patented construction methods
WJ Construction
Research and development of repair equipment
Research and development of UAV
Drone School
Construction materials ( aggregate and soil) Testing
Sales and maintenance of environmental equipment

Correspondent Banks

Iwate Bank Tono Branch, Kitanihon Bank Tono Branch, Tohoku Bank Tono Branch

Intellectual Property

10 patents, 1 design, 3 pending (Japan, U.S.A., Brazil, Indonesia)

Technical Registration

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (NETIS), Tokyo, Chiba, Iwate, Hyogo, Yokohama


Company Creed

Human Resource Development
Contribution to the community
Solid Management


Company Motto

1. To contribute to the development of society by realizing the material and intellectual happiness of all employees and by fostering excellent human resources.
2. Pursue technologies and services that satisfy our customers and develop activities that contribute to the local community.
3. Provide good products, secure steady profits, and maintain a stable management.


Action Policies

Quality Policy

We provide products and services that satisfy our customers, from sales activities to after-sales service, so that our customers can place their orders with confidence and trust. To this end, we will strive to ensure the quality of our products by appropriately responding to customer requirements, focusing on priority, and thoroughly implementing the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) process.

Safety and Health Policy

We strive to prevent accidents and disasters caused by human error and to eliminate accidents and disasters associated with construction work, to secure the trust of the construction industry, which is responsible for the development of social infrastructure, to strengthen communication among related parties, and to create a safe and comfortable work environment where people, machines, and equipment cooperate with each other.

Environmental Policy

We will promote the development of technologies that contribute to environmental conservation and sustainable use of the environment, strive to reduce the environmental impact of our operations, and aim to realize a low-carbon society, a resource-recycling society, and a society in harmony with nature.


October 3, 1955

Eikichi Sasaki founds Sasaki Construction Co.

October 6, 1955

Licensed as a construction company

January 7, 1974

Reorganized and incorporated as Sakaegumi Co.

September 1988

Yasumi Sasaki assumed the position of representative director.

September 1995

Head office moved to the current location.

January 1998

Capital increased to 50,000,000 yen.

July 2003

New Business Promotion Team established.

November 2005

Environmental System Department established.

December 2005

Management Innovation Plan approved by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (for the first time).

May 2007

Grouting Division established.

May 2007

Obtained patent

May 2008

Design registered

June 2008

Patent granted

April 2011

Takahiko Sasaki becomes Representative Director

May 2012

Grouting Division reorganized as Concrete Repair Division

June 2014

Obtained patent

December 2014

Management Innovation Plan approved by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (for the second time)

November 2015

Started water jet business

May 2016 (Heisei 28)

Reorganized Concrete Repair Division into Concrete Division

October 2016 (Heisei 28)

Overseas patent applications filed (U.S., Brazil, Indonesia)

May 2017

Tono Drone School opened

May 2017 (Heisei 29)

Pressure Regulation Injection Technology Research Association established

September 2017 (Heisei 29)

Morioka Sales Office opened

December 2017

Signed an agreement with Tono City regarding the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to gather information in the event of a disaster.

December 2018

First construction of pressure-adjusted injection method in Brasilia, Federative Republic of Brazil

February 2019

First examination for technical certification in the Republic of Indonesia.

July 2019

Formed business alliance with Eames Robotics Co.

August 2019

Second review for technical certification of the Republic of Indonesia.

January 2020

First crack injection at expressway in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia

February 2020

Management Innovation Plan approved by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (for the third time).

July 1, 2020

Yoshihiro Sasaki appointed as Representative Director

November 18, 2022

Crack injection was performed for the construction of the Sao Paulo Museum of Art Annex.

January 31, 2023

Crack injection was performed at the Sao Paulo Luz station building.

April 25, 2023

Opened Sakaegumi Corporation first-class architect office

September 29, 2023

Management Innovation Plan approved by the Governor of Iwate Prefecture (4th time)


February 2006

Received the Encouragement Award for Advancement in New Fields in the Construction Industry in 2006.

November 2007

Received the 2007 Encouragement Award for Advancement in New Fields in the Construction Industry.

December 2008

Awarded the 4th Iwate Business Grand Prix Excellence Award.

December 2008

Received the Iwate Prefecture Excellent Construction Award.

February 2009

Received the Excellence Award in the 2008 Awards for Advancement into New Fields in the Construction Industry.

December 2009

Concrete repair technology registered as new technology by Iwate Prefecture.

December 2009

Received the Iwate Prefecture Excellent Construction Award.

March 2011

Concrete repair technology was registered as new technology by Yokohama City.

April 2011

Two concrete repair technologies were registered with NETIS.

February, 2012

Concrete repair technology registered as new technology by Chiba Prefecture.

March, 2012

One concrete repair technology was registered as new technology by Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

December, 2012

Received an award for excellent construction work from Iwate Prefecture.

September, 2014

Selected as a step-up support business by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

February, 2015

Awarded the Grand Prize in the 2014 Construction Industry New Field Entry Award

June, 2015

Selected for the Iwate Hope Fund Project

August, 2015

Two concrete repair technologies registered as new technology in Hyogo Prefecture

November, 2015

Adopted for Monodzukuri subsidy

December, 2015

Received Iwate Prefecture Excellent Construction Award

June, 2016

Adopted for the Iwate Hope Fund Project

June, 2016

Adopted for Monodzukuri subsidy

February, 2017

Awarded the Grand Prize in the Construction Industry New Field Entry Award for FY 2016

June, 2017

Selected for JICA's research team for cooperation with the Latin American Nikkei community

November, 2017

Awarded the Invention Encouragement Prize in the Tohoku Regional Commendation for Invention in fiscal year 2017

December, 2017

Signed an agreement with Tono City regarding information gathering using unmanned aerial vehicles in the event of a disaster

December, 2017

Selected for JICA's "FY 2017 Second SME Overseas Expansion Support Project - Basic Survey

December, 2017

Selected as a Regional Future Leading Company

February, 2018

Selected as a recipient of the Iwate Industry-Academia Collaboration Promotion Council (Liaison-I) Research and Development Commercialization Fostering Grant

February, 2018

Awarded the Grand Prize in the Management Innovation Category of the Iwate Business Innovation Awards 2009

June, 2018

Selected for the 1st Iwate Hope Support Fund Project

June, 2018

Adopted for IT subsidy

June 2019

Adopted for IT subsidy

June 2019

Selected for the 3rd Iwate Hope Support Fund Project

August 2019

Selected for JICA's "First SME Overseas Expansion Support Project in FY 2019 - Project Formulation Study

October 2019

Selected for Monodzukuri subsidy.

April 2020

Selected for Monodzukuri subsidy

May 2020)

Adopted for the Accompanying Support Project by the JETRO Highly Sophisticated Foreign Talent Activity Promotion Coordinator.

June 2020

Selected for the 5th Iwate Hope Support Fund Project.

July 2020

Adopted for the Foreign Application Support Project.

August 2020

Selected for JETRO New Export Power Consortium's hands-on overseas expansion support project by experts.

August 2020

Adopted for the Growth Industry Policy and Development Support Program.

October 2020

Adopted for IT subsidy.

November 2020

Selected as one of "300 Small and Medium Enterprises and Small Businesses 2020" by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.

November 2020

Emergency Support Project for Strengthening the Competitiveness of Manufacturing Enterprises.

December 2020

Selected for the Tono City Supply Power Improvement Promotion Project.

May 2021

Adopted as a companion support project by JETRO's coordinator for promoting the activities of highly skilled foreign human resources.

June 2021

Adopted for the Hands-on Overseas Expansion Support Project by JETRO New Export Power Consortium Experts.

December 2021

Awarded the Excellence Prize in the Iwate Health Management Award 2021.

December 2022

Awarded the Excellence Prize in the Iwate Health Management Award 2022.

March 2023

Selected for the TSUBASA Project sponsored by JICA and IDBlab

May 2023

Adopted for the Business Restructuring Grant.

June 2023

Adopted for Business Succession Grant.

December 2023

Received the Excellent Prize at the Iwate Health Management Award 2023.

December 2023

Adopted for JICA private-sector partnership project "Small and Medium Enterprises SDGs Business Support Project: Dissemination, Demonstration, and Business Development Project (Small and Medium Technology Support Type)