Our Vision: Elevating Construction Locally and Strengthening Concrete Globally.
Sakaegumi aspires to serve as a regional construction leader while excelling as a worldwide expert in concrete repair and reinforcement.

  ・Create living spaces with our accumulated technology and experience.
  ・Repair infrastructure utilizing life-extension technology of concrete.
  ・Innovate Challenging Technological Innovation to Create new values.
  ・Develop byCultivating the Next Generation of Talent to Shape Tomorrow.
We are engaged in our business with a focus on these four core missions.

Civil Construction work

Civil engineering related Work

  • Road New Construction / Road Improvement / Road Reconstruction / Road Repair / Forest Road Establishment / River Improvement / River Maintenance / Concrete Construction / Reinforcement Construction / Corridor Construction / Dissolution Construction / Fabrication Construction / Landscape Construction / Greening Construction / Road Tree Planting / Park Construction / Stone Stacking Construction / Pipeline Construction / Sewerage Construction / Bridge Lower Work / Bridge Erection / Bridge Laying Construction (Bed Plate Work)/ Bridge erection work / Bridge upper work (Bedplate work) work

Building Construction

  • Building design and supervision / New public building works / New residential building works / Building renovation works / Large-scale repair works / Refurbishment works / Cleaning tank works / Internal drainage works / Deconstruction works / Painting works / Waterproofing works


  • Pavement work / Pavement repair work / Road maintenance work / Parkway pavement work / Exterior work / Carport work

Repair and Maintenance

Repair and Reinforcement Work

  • Crack repair (Injection, Coating, Filling), Water leak prevention, Surface treatment, Surface impregnation, Surface application, Section repair (Plastering, Formwork Filling, Wet spraying, Dry spraying), Surface coating, Ground preparation, Anchor drilling, Anchor anchorage, Surface protection (Coating, Surface protection (lining)), Joint repair, Surface coating, Delamination prevention, Backfill injection,Backfilling, Cavity filling, Line water conductors, Surface water conductors, Point water conductors, Expansion device replacement, Expansion joint repair, Parapet replacement, Drain pipe replacement, Concrete hoisting, Fiber sheet hoisting, Steel plate hoisting, Bridge fall prevention device, Displacement limitation device, Edge widening, Seismic wall, Seismic brace, Carbon fiber sheet bonding, Top thickening, Bottom thickening, FRP reinforcement, Continuous fiber sheet, Concrete removal, Bearing rust prevention, Bearing replacement, Bridge face waterproofing, Floor slab replacement, Repainting, Steel girder reinforcement, Bracing plates, Rewelding, Metal spraying, Grinder finishing, Hammer peening, Surface preparation, Sandblasting, Water jetting, Kellen, Flare welding, Pressure welding

Deformation investigation and diagnosis, Repair design, and Testing

  • Concrete deterioration investigation (non-destructive testing, micro-destructive testing) / Deterioration diagnosis / 3D shape measurement / Soil testing / Aggregate testing / Construction ICT (Surveying, BIM/CIM)


Intellectual Property Lending, Research and Development, Human Resource Development

  • Lending of patented technology / Development of repair equipment and construction drones / Training of repair technicians

3D measurement, Aerial photography, Drone, Agricultural support.

  • 3D surveying and measurement / Aerial photography (still and moving images) / Drone sales and maintenance / Japan Drone Aerial Photography Association certified drone school (Aerial photography) / EAMS ROBOTICS certified drone school (Aerial photography, Surveying, Pesticide application) / NTTe Drone Technology certified drone school (Pesticide application) / Smart farming support (Aerial photography field management / Precision farming / Pesticide application / Electrolysis water farming)


Pressure-adjusted filling method using transparent formwork (Cross-sectional repair work)

This is a method of filling transparent formwork with repair materials by adjusting the pressure, enabling speedy construction while checking the hardening status of the materials.

Pressure-Adjustable Injection Method for Narrow Areas

Using equipment that injects repair materials into cracks formed in narrow areas of 5 cm to 15 cm, it is possible to repair narrow areas that were previously impossible.

Spraying Drone for Concrete Impregnation

Drones perform concrete impregnation work that used to be done by human labor. This technology improves productivity by allowing work to be performed safely and securely at high elevations.


Multilingual VR Education and Training System

VR allows for a variety of experiences and training in a virtual space that faithfully reproduces the real world environment, providing training in a completely different view of the world than before. We are currently developing a VR education and training system for the Pressure Adjustment and Injection Method.

Pressure Regulation Injection Technician Qualification System

We are actively developing a global certification for crack injection skills, aiming to establish international quality standards through the Pressure Regulation Injection Technician Qualification initiative.

Acceptance of Foreign Engineers.

We actively accept foreign engineers and provide them with opportunities to work as full-time employees.


Drone sales and maintenance, Drone school.

We offer a range of cutting-edge products, including EAMS ROBOTICS and NTTe drone technology. Explore our selection of drones, from pesticide spraying and surveying drones to video relay drones and pesticide spraying boats.
We offer a comprehensive one-stop solution for aircraft procurement, qualification, post-purchase after-sales support, and swift resolution of any accidents or malfunctions.